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The following describes what to expect according to what we do. What we do stems from how we think our people will grow together for the mission of the church. In short, we gather, group, and move together for the glory of God and the good of man!
We gather for worship, our approach may vary (band, choir, orchestra), but our desire is for the congregation to sing out, sing together, and to sing with our hearts focused on our Savior and King over and above our personal preference. During our Sunday morning and Wednesday night gatherings, our desire is to faithfully preach and teach the Scriptures towards challenging, encouraging, and equipping the church.
The way to minister and be ministered to at Lindsay Lane is through our groups. Groups are where the church gets smaller as you move from the rows of the gathering to the circles of groups. Our groups meet weekly and most meet on Sunday mornings before our worship service. With group for fellowship and ministry, but our greatest desire for weekly groups is for those in attendance to become disciples of Christ who faithfully follow Jesus by learning His word, living His ways, and serving His purposes.
“Move” is relative to our desire for the church to be active. We think the church is healthiest when the body is moving...moving out to reach people and moving in to serve people. The movement of the church also involves generous giving, missions to the unreached and unengaged, church planting, and developing leaders.
First time guests of Lindsay Lane are provided parking spaces in the parking lot directly outside the main entrance of the church. Guest Parking is clearly marked as guest parking, but you are free to park anywhere you would like.
Lindsay Lane provides childcare and discipleship for both connect group hour (9 am) and the worship service (10:30 am). Children ages infant through fifth grade are welcome to register and come to the Children’s Building. Preschool-age to third grade have Kid’s Worship available in the Children’s Building during the 10:30 Worship Service. There are major entrances on both the north and south sides of the church. The north entrance provides a drive-thru for easy drop off and pick up of your family.
Lindsay Lane is a diverse church. You will find that on Sunday mornings our members dress in casual dress attire, although suits and dresses are commonly worn by some. Wednesday services are a bit more casual with many coming from work.
Monday - Thursday: 8 AM – 4 PM
Friday: Closed
Tel: 256-232-0020
Fax: 256-232-0425
E-mail: info@lindsaylane.org