Sensory Friendly Experience 4:30-5:00 Then gates open to all at 5:00. Trunk or Treat is open until 8:00.
Families with Special Needs kids or families impacted by disability... Make sure to arrive at 4:30 for our Sensory Friendly Experience. Meet at the black tent (Look for signage). There will be marked Handicap accessible parking and signage as well. There will also be a handicap accessible restroom.
Register to Host a trunk... Fun for everyone! Individuals, families, connect groups, or ministries can sign up to participate! Deadline to sign up to host a trunk is 10/22. Participating vehicles can start arriving at 3:30 p.m. Vehicles must be decorated and in the parking lot by 4:30. Judging of cars will begin at 4:45. Prizes given! No scary trunks or costumes, please! Please no latex balloons, but rather mylar/aluminum. We will provide candy, but encourage you to bring extra! We will also provide teal blue pumpkins with non food items & sensory toys for our friends from our special needs community or friends with food allergies. Food trucks, inflatables and fun!